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News & Events

School Holiday Program


We have been running our new School Holiday Program

in the school holidays for the past year for two hours a day,

4 or 5 days a week. We have had fantastic feedback from

both the children and parents with many spontaneous

friendships developing. Our programs generally have

between 4-6 children in them and also enable us to see

who would be most suited to go into a regular peer group

during the term.


The focus of the school holiday program is to provide

the children with successful and supported opportunities

to engage in peer interactions. Our goal is for the child to

experience how to remain regulated and interactive while

independently engaging with their peers.


We offer three different programs:


Social and Communication - designed to support children of all ages develop their communication, interaction and social skills with peers in a highly supported environment.


Mobility Development - designed to support children of school age develop their gross motor skills with peers in a highly supported environment.


Self-Management - designed to support the development of self-management and community skills for children in upper primary school or high school. 


The children are grouped according to their level of social/developmental levels and ages. This enables us to design each program specifically for the stage that the children are at and to provide the appropriate level of support to facilitate success in the social arena.


During the two hour period the children engage in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, performing physical, art/craft and sensory activities. We also have morning and afternoon tea times scheduled into the sessions, which assists us in working on any feeding issues or issues around remaining in a group to eat with our peers.


Parent Training Workshops


Our parent workshops aim to provide parents with the theory and practical knowledge to assist them when engaging with their child. These workshops are run 2 to 3 times per year and details of the next workshop can be found here.

These workshops provide the parents with the tools to identify their child’s developmental level, their individual processing profile and how to further build the relationship with their child so that they can maximize every interaction with their child.


To find out more, please contact us on


Boys with toys
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